Costumes I Want to Do, part 3

Today is Star Wars costumes I want to do… and I’m going to split this into 2, because I somehow still have a lot of Star Wars costumes I want to do!

Viqi Shesh. I just think this is a beautiful oufit.

Jarael. Another one that I just love this outfit. I’m considering doing this for Dragoncon.

Bastila Shan. I like her outfit, and I could actually do this without any wig or hairpieces LOL Plus I’ve had a few people suggest it to me, so that makes it sound funt o do, too.

I almost did this a few years ago, I was scouting materials and had the entire thing planned out, but just never got to the point of buying fabric. I’d still like to do it.

Riyo Chuchi… this would be fun.